Committee Chair: Brad S.
- Carries the A.A. message and information about the fellowship to those who are blind or visually impaired; deaf or hearing impaired; chronically ill or homebound; and those with limited reading skills.
- Committee members explore, develop and offer alternatives to make the A.A. message and participation in our program available to everyone who reaches out for it.
From the General Service Office:
Committee Chair: Tim H.
- Gathers and maintains historical material about the fellowship. This material consists of pictures, books, articles, buttons and Grapevines.
- Shares these historical documents at conventions and meetings.
From the General Service Office:
Committee Chair: Mark M.
- Informs professionals about A.A.- what we are, where we are, what we can do and what we cannot do.
- Attempt to establish better communication between A.A.’s and professionals and to find productive and creative ways of cooperating without affiliating.
- The professional community may include physicians, clergy, judges, therapists and probation officers or any other professional who comes into contact with an alcoholic.
From the General Service Office:
Committee Chair: Jacob F.
- Coordinates the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls.
- Sets up means of bridging the gap from the facility to the larger A.A. community.
- This may include conducting meetings in a prison, providing literature to inmates and coordinating an interim sponsor program.
From the General Service Office:
Committee Chair: Russ W., Jamie P., Keith S., Sherri L., Stan
- Reviews all requests for money from the officers and committee chairpersons of IntraArea.
- Makes recommendations to the GSR body for approval or denial of all requests.
- Monitors IntraArea expenditures and income to ensure a prudent reserve is maintained and all financial obligations are met.
Committee Chair: Don M.
- The Forum committee introduces new and old GSRs to the Regional Forum.
- The Regional Forum provides a special opportunity of direct communication and personal contact with people from the General Service Office and its staff. Regional Forums are sharing sessions among area A.A.’s and G.S.O.
- It is hoped that by learning more about service, the GSRs will be incited into more active service in their local areas.
- The Forum committee is entrusted with funds to sponsor GSRs to the Regional Forum by paying their accommodation, travel and food expenses. We feel that this is a good investment in establishing an A.A. in service and sobriety.
- The requirements for qualifying for funds are suggested by the committee and voted on by the area assembly.
Committee Chair: Lori C.
- Communicates between the Grapevine and the fellowship and brings grass-roots opinions to the Grapevine staff so they can better serve the Fellowship.
- Promotes awareness and support of Grapevine through subscriptions.
Order publications at the “Grapevine Store” or purchase from the CMIA32 literature table.
Committee Chair: Eileen/Aylin and Brad P.
- Helps facilitate the unity between the virtual and in-person Area Assembly experience.
- Supports the CMIA Area Chair in carrying the AA message to AA members unable to attend Area Assembly in-person.
Committee Chair: John S.
- To help save on shipping costs, groups and individuals can order literature in any quantities from the CMIA32 Literature Committee by email at
Committee Chair: Mark M.
- Carries the A.A. message and information about the fellowship to the public.
- Also concerned with anonymity breaks at the public level.
From the General Service Office:
Committee Chair: Open
- Encourages A.A. members to assume responsibility for carrying the message into hospitals and treatment facilities.
- A state-wide contact list for people in treatment is being developed.
- Bridges the gap through workshops and working with treatment center staff to establish beginners meetings and direct the flow of patients to A.A. meetings.
From the General Service Office:
Committee Chair: Billie Jo P..
- Maintains an internet presence for Central Michigan Intra-Area 32 Alcoholics Anonymous, providing links, resources and contact information, and to do so within AA guidelines and traditions.
- Carries the A.A. message of recovery to the alcoholic who still suffers and to friends, family and professionals.
From the General Service Office:
Committee Chair: Brian G.
- We direct our attention towards helping young people achieve and maintain sobriety, as well as encouraging young people to become involved in the service structure of Alcoholics Anonymous.
- This committee is open to all young people’s groups.
- Our mission is to help introduce this level of service to the young people of Area 32 by encouraging them to attend the CMIA meeting and participate in the YPAA committee.
- We are also committed to maintaining a list of young people’s groups in our area in an effort to support communication between groups.
- Our committee acts as a forum to talk about issues that are relevant to our community.
- Our committee members serve as liaisons for young people’s meetings, sharing our experience, strength, and hope with young people’s groups that are struggling or just starting out.