Find a Meeting/Contact Local AA
There are hundreds of AA meetings in the Central Michigan Area so there is probably one near you. You can find a meeting very simply:
- Use our map and listing of local Districts to find a meeting list for your town or county.
- Check your phone book for local listings of Alcoholics Anonymous. They can tell you when and where meetings are held in your area.
- Use the online AA directory to find meetings in other parts of the U.S. and Canada.
- Use AA’s international directory (PDF) to find meetings outside the U.S. and Canada.
If you need to talk to someone right now, you can speak with someone in AA by calling your local AA hotline or office. You may also look up your local intergroup online and contact them that way. Check the Districts map page to find the telephone number or email address.
You will find that members of Alcoholics Anonymous are always willing to help you find a meeting and share their experience, strength, and hope. This helps them stay sober, too.
For information about AA and services for its members, check the AA World Services website.