Service Opportunities

CMIA 32 has quite a few opportunities for members to get involved in service. Many of us have been fortunate enough to be involved in service and found that it takes our recovery to another level and increases the quality of our recovery.

We freely give our time and talents where we can so that we stay sober and carry the message to the still sick and suffering alcoholic.

The Hybrid Technology Committee is looking for members to help with the Hybrid portion of the Area Assembly. The committee needs in-person and online help.

To get involved, email:

Please consider volunteering for a position on the planning committee of the  2023 Michigan State Convention, hosted by Area 32. 

We currently have a secretary position open, a security chairperson position, a hospitality room chairperson position, an entertainment chairperson position, an Alkathon Room chairperson position and a coffee chairperson position.  And we are also looking to fill ALL planning committee positions with Alternate Chairs and simply people to serve. So YES, YOU ARE MOST DEFINITELY NEEDED!!!

Committee meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 PM

ZOOM CODE: 517 414 7662
PASSCODE: area32