“The Archives Committee gathers, maintains and seeks to preserve historical material about the Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship. This material consists primarily of pictures, books, articles, buttons and Grapevine. This committee has and maintains possession of copies of the Grapevine dating back to 1951. This committee also transports a portion of these historical documents to conventions and meetings to share our A.A. history with others.”
Central Michigan Intra-Area Handbook
The goals of the Archives Committee are to:
- Carry the AA message to the membership of Area 32 and to the alcoholic who still suffers, consistent with our Fifth Tradition, through the preservation and communication of the history of Area 32 and of AA as a whole.
- Care for, organize and manage the archival holdings in a manner that will ensure their availability to present and future generations of AA members.
- Facilitate access to the holdings and sharing of information in a manner that is protective of anonymity and consistent with the first two goals.
General AA History
Books, pamphlets and articles related to A.A. history. These materials are suitable for public access.
A Narrative Timeline of AA History, courtesy of the AA History Lovers on-line group
- Alcoholics Anonymous — the original 1939 prepublication manuscript of the Big Book
- As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen
- The Common Sense of Drinking, by Richard Peabody
- Remaking a Man — One Successful Method of Mental Refitting, by Courtney Baylor of the Emmanuel Movement
- Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James
- The Akron Manual for A.A. — 1940
- The Akron Guide to the Twelve Steps — 1940s
- Interpretation of the Twelve Steps — Detroit, 1940s
- Sponsorship Pamphlet — 1944, by Clarence S.
- The Four Absolutes of the Oxford Group
- How to Listen to God, by John E. Batterson (Oxford Group)
- The Ego Factors in Surrender in Alcoholism, by Dr. Harry Tiebout
- One Boy’s Influence, by Rev. Sam Shoemaker (Oxford Group)
- The Quiet Time, by Howard J. Rose (Oxford Group)
- Introduction to AA — Philadelphia, 1940s
- Impressions of A.A. — Chicago, 1940s
- The First AA Pamphlet — Houston, 1940s
- Early A.A. History in Michigan, by Bob P., from the unpublished book A.A. History: The Next 50 Years
- The History of the Jackson, MI Group, by Mel B., with thanks to Silkworth.net
- How the Big Book Was Developed, by Arthur S.
- History Offers a Good Lesson for A.A., by C.H.K, Lansing, MI, © A.A. Grapevine, 1945; used by permission.
- The Care of Alcoholics, by Sister Ignatia, 1951
Archives Guideline
CMIA32 Archives policies and procedures, also information that may be of interest to District archivists, such as guidelines on classification and conservation of archival materials.
CMIA32 Archives Documents
From the General Service Office
- Archives Workbook
- A.A Guidelines on Archives
- Oral Histories Kit
- Archives Preservation Guidelines
- Digitizing Archival Material Guidelines
- Pamphlet “The A.A. Archives“
Additional Resources
- CMIA32 Archives Collection Policy
- Questions for Oral Histories
- “Preserving Our History” – basics of conservation (PDF)
- “Preserving Our History” – basics of conservation (Flash slideshow)
- Homemade Deacidification Treatment
- Low Impact Archives